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Hypnotherapy London testimonials

The IAPH has a very tough policy on the use of testimonials. Members displaying the shield (above) have satisfied the IAPH Administration that: (1) All their testimonials are 100% genuine (2) They have signed and dated permission to use each testimonial (3) The testimonial is relevant to the subject matter on the web-page it is displayed on.

Please note that my services are confidential and that the following clients have agreed to allow me to publish their responses to therapy without identifying them. However to comply with advertising standards again with their agreement I keep a record of their responses to prove to any authority that they are genuine.

Here are just a sample of the comments I have had over the years - I have added the underlining and bold type :-

CK an analysis client who sought help with public speaking/social phobia which was holding her back in social and professional life.

'Just to let you know how I got on. I had my presentation event on Wednesday and was only expecting about 10 people. The organiser then told me there was going to be at least fifty (breathe and relax!!), and that I was going to be doing it in the lecture theatre. Anyway, I was a bit nervous beforehand, but kept calm and did the preparation rather than avoiding it and pretending it wasn't going to happen! When the time came to do the presentation - there were probably about 70 people in there - my heart was going quite fast, but I used the breathing technique, and managed to get my words out fine, and from then on it was fine! As a couple of minutes passed, I knew that I could speak and that I wasn't going to forget the words, and I relaxed and it went really well - I ended up doing the presentation 3 times that day, and after the first time, I wasn't nervous at all, and I actually enjoyed myself (I never thought I'd say that!). So, thanks for everything - I have to say that I wasn't completely 100% sure that it had worked until yesterday when I actually did the presentation, but I definitely would not have been able to do that a couple of months ago, so I now believe that it has made the difference, and I do feel generally more confident in myself - and more of an adult (if that makes sense!) Can't say thank you enough - I'm not sure that I'd call the process pleasant or easy, but it was definitely worth the end result!
All the best for the future, and thanks again.'

CS A fellow therapist After completing therapy some years before felt that not all of her issues were resolved and came to me for one session of analytical therapy.

'A very satisfying session where I was finally able to close the door on the past once and for all. I feel so calm and relaxed and truly happy about the rest of my life. Keith is empathic and made me feel I could confide in him my inner thoughts.'

VL Fear of Flying
'Just wanted to let you know that my flights to and from the Cayman Islands went really well. Was amazed at how good I was with the turbulence so really pleased with the results.

Many thanks again for your help!'

JM Stop Smoking

After 43 years as a smoker of 20-25 cigarettes a day I was amazed at how easily I gave up and immediately started to feel better. Now 10 weeks later and still no cigarettes.

LV an analysis client who was having relationship problems and was inhibited sexually. ' Somewhat sceptical at first but an enlightening and enlivening experience - thank you.'

RH an analysis client who had been suffering with morbid thoughts, anxiety and consequent depression since the mid nineteen forties and had tried every type of conventional treatment on offer and a variety of self help therapies.

'having had a prolonged problem over many years...after the seventh session I had benefitted to the point where I did not need to attend the eigth session and still benefit atthe moment five weeks after the final session.'

BP Stop Smoking I received your 'after-service' pack a few weeks ago but refrained from e-mailing you as I was still apprehensive as to how long I would be a non-smoker for. Since leaving your hypnotherapy session nearly 2 months ago, I can honestly say I haven't touched a cigarette and as clichéd as it sounds I am 100% sure I am a non-smoker for life.
As a student I must admit, apart from not being completely ready, the cost of the session was one of the reasons why I didn't make an appointment earlier, however, I do think it was the most well spent £200 of my life.
Despite being 19, I know that because of the service you offer and what I have achieved, I will live a healthier and hopefully longer life compared to if I were still a smoker. Becoming a non-smoker is probably the proudest thing I have done in my life so far and cannot express my appreciation enough.
If there is any quotes you would like to use from my e-mail, it would please me greatly. However, I don't want you to think I have written this e-mail just to provide you with endless quotes. Everything I have written in this e-mail I mean and the main reason I chose to e-mail you is to tell you that I have been successful in stopping smoking!
Many thanks once again.

You too can make great changes in your life.